Thematic Investing
To inspire growth.
Our curated, themed lists are full of hand-picked stocks and ETFs you can use to diversify your portfolio, support companies you believe in and build long-term wealth.

6 Stocks
What exactly is the Metaverse? And who are the Metaverse pioneers you should be keeping an eye on?

8 Stocks and ETFs
Clean energy could change the world, and your portfolio, for the better. Here are a few hydrogen-focused companies you should monitor.

9 Stocks
Tech continues to solve existing business problems. Which cloud-based companies might be about to have their time in the sun?

6 Stocks and ETFs
Cybersecurity is one of the last things companies and governments can cut back on. Demand for it will only increase over the coming years.

Electric vehicles
8 stocks
As Electric Vehicle sales continue to accelerate the race for market share is on. Will the new players be able to overtake traditional manufacturers?

6 stocks
There is a group of companies that have reached record highs while others dropped: defence, security and weapons.

Artificial Intelligence
8 stocks and ETFs
Invest in the development of artificial intelligence, as it can become increasingly integral in various industries.

Semiconductors & Microchips
8 stocks and ETFs
These are the companies at each step of the semiconductor supply chain from design to fabrication and assembly.

7 ETCs
A unique collection of ETCs, allowing you to reap the benefits of investing in commodities like gold, silver and more.