The easier way to build your portfolio
Build your own Invstment Plan with iShares ETFs.

Choose from selected iShares ETFs to start your Investment Plan

iShares Core ETFs

iShares Factor ETFs

iShares Fixed Income ETFs

iShares Sector ETFs

iShares Sustainable ETFs

iShares Thematic ETFs
Why Investment Plans with iShares ETFs?

A global leader
iShares has been a leader in the ETF marketplace for more than two decades, and as a part of BlackRock, their products are engineered by investment professionals with discipline and deep risk management expertise. iShares ETFs account for US$2.5 trillion assets under management globally*.

High quality products
iShares’ portfolio managers and engineers use their extensive knowledge and investment expertise to ensure that the iShares ETFs have consistently low tracking error. They are built for longevity and performance, and have proven themselves to be resilient in challenging market conditions.

Bold ideas for tomorrow‘s markets
In 2001, BlackRock launched the first bond ETF, simplifying fixed income investing, making it accessible to all investors and ushering in the modernization of the bond market. Today, BlackRock remains the leader in exchange-traded bonds in Europe, with over 90 ETFs.
*Source: BlackRock, as of August 18, 2022.
Start investing
regularly with a monthly Investment Plan.
At BUX you can build your own Investment Plan with iShares ETFs to start investing on a regular basis.
Invest at given intervals
Investing a set amount every month means you don’t have to try and “time the market”. This is a common strategy for growing wealth in the long-run.
iShares ETFs often contain hundreds, or thousands of different companies. So when you invest in an iShares ETF, you are automatically spreading your investment.
You can delete or change your plan anytime for free, so you’re not locked into anything.

© 2023 BlackRock, Inc. All Rights reserved. BLACKROCK, BLACKROCK SOLUTIONS and iSHARES are trademarks of BlackRock, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and elsewhere. All other trademarks are those of their respective owners.